Mapping Technology Trends to Enterprise Product Innovation

Scope: Focusses on enterprise platform software: Big Data, Cloud platforms, software-defined, micro-services, DevOps.
Why: We are living in an era of continuous change, and a low barrier to entry. Net result: Lot of noise!
What: Sharing my expertise gained over nearly two decades in the skill of extracting the signal from the noise! More precisely, identifying shifts in ground realities before they become cited trends and pain-points.
How: NOT based on reading tea leaves! Instead synthesizing technical and business understanding of the domain at 500 ft. 5000 ft., and 50K ft.

(Disclaimer: Personal views not representing my employer)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Data caching for global file access

As enterprises become global, there is a need to share data and applications across data-centers in different countries and continents. The current approach is to explicitly copy data across data-centers as and when required. Conversely, using NFS or CIFS to access data remotely from a single data-center is not scalable across WAN latencies.

I think is the single most important problem for global cloud infrastructures. Checkout an excellent paper on parallel caching my colleagues at IBM Almaden have written on Panache: A Parallel Filesystem cache for Global File Access.

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